World Maintenance Forum 2013 – Lugano-Switzerland
Excellence in Maintenance in the Financial Crisis.
Date: 04 - 06 September 2013
Place: Palazzo dei Congressi, Lugano, Switzerland
Organized by: The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), together with the World Maintenance Forum
Official language: English
Declatation of Lugano:
During the period of 4 to 6 September 2013, the World Maintenance Forum held in Lugano, Switzerland, under the auspice of the WMF and SUPSI University, announced the formation of the International Maintenance Association IMA with the vision to:
“Global Platform for Knowledge Exchange of Effective Maintenance Practices and Management”.
The Goals of the Association are to:
Develop and promote the appropriate use of effective methods and tools to maintain facilities and machinery, etc.
Develop the knowledge of the latest techniques and research in maintenance science and technology.
Founding members are comprised of, Institutions, Research and Development, Academics, Enterprises and Individuals from various world regions collaborated to form the International Maintenance Association (IAM).
The Founding Members comprise:
– Dr. Mohamad Fouzan, Arab Countries, Arab Institute of Operation and Maintenance
– Dr. Emanuele Carpanzano, Switzerland, SUPSI University
– Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj, KSA, CEO Specialist Group
– Prof. Li Baowen, China, Guangzhou University
– Mr. Guido Walt, Switzerland, Wear-Management
– Dr. Alan Wilson, UK, Carmichael Smith Ltd.
The Founding Members announced the formation of an interim Board of Directors (BoD) that will serve for two years and function to manage the institutional phase of the Association. It was agreed to nominate an additional representative in the Board by each Founding Member, therey the Interim Board would comprise Twelve (12) members. Additional members could be added to the Board as required to a total of Twenty (20) members.
World maintenance forum (WMF) will be the biannual Congress of the IMA. The Venue and date will be announced later.
IMA Chairman
Founding Members appointed Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj to act as the IMA Chairman for the Interim Period.
Signed: the Founding Members – Lugano, on 6 September 2013

The president Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj (KSA) of the new "International Maintenance Association" (IAM),
presenting the declaration of Lugano.

Dr. Emanuele Carpanzano signing the declaration of Lugano.
Workshop – Training and education on 6 September 2013
This workshop was a product of the program "LEONARDO DA VINCI PARTNERSHIPS VocTrainMaint"
Thesis: Europe needs about 100,000 new multi skilled practical working maintenance technicians per year to cover the needs after retirements and promotions. Additional 100,000 automation technician will also be needed.
VocTrainMaint- Leonardo da Vinci Project: Curricula for Vocational Training in Maintenance
In the frame of the VocTrainMaint project, curricula were developed for vocational training in maintenance.
Based on extensive input from both industrial professionals and academic institutes the following technical programmes were developed:
Maintenance Technician at EQF-level 5
Vocational Teachers in Maintenance at EQF-level 6
Maintenance mechanics and electrician (automation) at EQF-level 4.
Workshop Part I: How to implement World Class Maintenance in training
World Class Maintenance: Per Schjolberg, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Market needs: Guido Walt, Wear-Management, Switzerland
Validation in maintenance: Ingemar Andreason, EURIAC - European LdV developments - VocTrainMaint, Sweden
Leonardo Da Vinci - Pile-Up in Process Industry: Guido Walt, Wear-Management, Switzerland.
Workshop Part II: How to implement World Class Maintenance in training
Curricula for Vocational Training in Maintenance: Donal Nolan, IIE, Ireland
Validation in Maintenance – ValidMaint: Ingemar Andréason, EURIAC - European LdV developments – VocTrainMaint, Sweden
EFNMS certification: Per Schjoldberg, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.

Palazzo dei Congressi, Lugano, Switzerland

Speech by Dr. Mohamad Al Fouzan

Opening by the chairman Dr. Emanuele Carpanzano, SUPSI, Switzerland

Claudio R. Boer (SUPSI) - presenting Dr. Theodor Bühler (CH)

Satoshi Suzuoki, JIPM (Japan)


Christer Idhammar, ID Con, Inc (USA)

Mark Broussard, SAMI (USA)



Li Baowen (CN) and Jens Reichel (DE)
Right: Zensuke Matsuda (JP), Center: Tsutomu Nakamura, TPM (JP)

Antonella and Andrea Maciga (IT) together with Li Baowen (CN).

Dr. Madani (KSA), Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj (KSA) and Alan Wilson (UK)

Come Together Apero at Parco Ciani:
Think global and act local
More than 100 speakers from 20 countries:
Austria, Canada, China, Denmark, Eirland, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA.
Prof. Christoph Heitz (CH) with Chris Rijdijk (NL).

Apero Hotel de la Paix - before the Gala Dinner