World Maintenance Forum 2009 – Guangzhou
Excellence in Maintenance in the Financial Crisis.
Date: 27 and 28 November 2009
Place: International Exchange Center of the Library of the Guangzhou University, Guangzhou – China
Hosted by: The World Maintenance Forum Organizing Committee, the Plant Maintenance Engineering Association of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society and the Guangzhou University.
Contractor: Guangzhou Shareford Maintenance Co. Ltd.
Official language: English
The World Maintenance Forum was designed for discussing how to face the global financial tsunami and to survive in the increasingly intensive competition. In the era of challenges and opportunities, maintenance – as an integral part of almost all activities – has become absolutely imperative for the sustainable development of our society. To strengthen the communication between experts and enterprise’s senior managers, entrusted by Mr. Guido Walt, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the World Maintenance Forum, Guangzhou University, the Plant Maintenance Engineering Association of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, together with foreign Maintenance Organizations, organized the Forum in Guangzhou, China. Experts, senior managers, and TnPM/TPM experts in the maintenance industry were most welcome to attend this Forum in order to analyze the local development needs of enterprises, authorities and universities.
This Forum served as a platform for exchange and mutual learning to promote the advancement of international maintenance industry.

Guangzhou China, capital of Guangdong Province

Welcome to the World Maintenance Forum - The University Town International Hotel

Mr. Yi Zuo Yong, Secretary Of CPC, Guangzhou University (China)
Welcome and Congratulations to the World Maintenance Forum

Topic groups:
Infrastructure: roads, railways, harbors, airports, water and electricity supply, waste incineration.
Industrial maintenance: steel, oil, chemical, automobiles, mining, cigarette, paper manufacturing, textile, machinery, electronics.
Maintenance education and training.
Mr. Guido Walt, Chairman World Maintenance Forum:
Think global – Act local!
Think global – Act local:
Solution-driven Round Tables and Workshops for developing New Business Cases and for stream-lining local needs were on the agenda. The World Maintenance Forum was an unique opportunity for operators and maintenance service providers.

Mr. Chan Tung (US): Maintenance Education and e-learning in the US (left)
Mr. Bob Xu (right)

Mr. Wout Theuws (Netherlands / Belgium)
Maintaining during the recession period.
Who attended the forum?
General Managers, Deputy Managers of Plants.
Political authorities
Directors and Supervisors of Production / Plant / Maintenance / Operation / Quality / Power / Safety / Human Resource Departments.
Service providers.
TPM / TnPM Coordinators and Maintenance experts.
University Professors from all over the world.
Topic groups:
Infrastructure: roads, railways, harbors, airports, water and electricity supply, waste incineration.
Industrial maintenance: steel, oil, chemical, automobiles, mining, cigarette, paper manufacturing, textile, machinery, electronics.
Maintenance education and training.

Mr. Alan Wilson (UK): Preparing Asset Maintenance Management Strategies for the new era

Mr. Bill Holmes (Australia): Lessons From Benchmarking Studies Of Best Practice Maintenance Operations

Mr. Li Baowen, Industrial & Plant Engineer Institute of Guangzhou University
Think global – Act local:
Solution-driven Round Tables and Workshops for developing New Business Cases and for stream-lining local needs were on the agenda. The World Maintenance Forum was an unique opportunity for operators and maintenance service providers.

Mr. Svend Aage West (Denmark): Maintenance Management Education in Europe

Mr. Tim Zaal (The Netherlands): Operational Excellence as driver for Maintenance Management Master Program

4 speakers on the arena: Tim Zaal (NL), Svend Aage West (DK), Mr. Chan Tung (US), Mr. Chen Yangzhi (China)

Dr. Ing, Ph.D. Claudio Boër (CH) , Chair IMS: The role of IMS in the World of Maintenance

Full House

All initiators and Committee Members
Signing the Declaration
Who attended the forum?
General Managers, Deputy Managers of Plants.
Political authorities
Directors and Supervisors of Production / Plant / Maintenance / Operation / Quality / Power / Safety / Human Resource Departments.
Service providers.
TPM / TnPM Coordinators and Maintenance experts.
University Professors from all over the world.

Participants in front of Guangzhou University

Industrial visit: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Guangzhou Company

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Guangzhou Company
Practice with TnPM

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Guangzhou Company
The Group
City night view on Pearl River

City night view on Pearl River
The Boat

Mrs. Si Donghui (left) and Mr. Chan Tung (right)

Li Baowen (China), Sven Aage West (DK) and Mrs. Barbara Walt (CH)
The Staff

26 November 2009
Whole day: Registration at The University Town International Hotel
27 November 2009
Morning: Plenary Session at the Library of Guangzhou University
08h00 to 08h58 : Host invites Mr. Li Baowen to announce the opening of the World Maintenance Forum 2009
08h58 to 08h59 : Mr. Li Baowen, Vice Chairman World Maintenance Forum, Annouce the opening of the conference
09h00 to 09h05 : Mr. Guido Walt, Chairman World Maintenance Forum, Think global – Act local!
09h05 to 09h10 : Mr.Yu Jianshe, President of Guangzhou University, Welcome and Congratulations to the congress
09h10 to 09h15 : Mr. Xing Min, Director of Plant Maintenance Engineering Association of CMES, Declaration of WMF Proclamation
09h15 to 09h20 : WFM Initiation Ceremony.
09h20 to 10h05 : Mr. Wout Theuws (Netherlands / Belgium): Maintaining during the recession period
10h05 to 10h45 : Mr. Li Baowen (China): Time Character-E-maintenance
10h45 to 11h15 : Coffee break
11h15 to 12h00 : Mr. Bill Holmes (Australia): Lessons From Benchmarking Studies Of Best Practice Maintenance Operations
12h00 to 12h45 : Mr. Alan Wilson (UK): Preparing Asset Maintenance Management Strategies for the new era
12h45 to 13h00 : Group photo
13h00 to 13h15 : Transfer to The University Town International Hotel by bus
13h15 to 14h30 : Working lunch
Afternoon: 3 parallel sessions at The University Town International Hotel
Session 1: Industrial maintenance; Room 1; Chair: Li Baowen (China)
14h30 to 15h00 : Mr. Xu Ling (China): Optimization Design of the Manage Flow in Equipment Signage System Based on Whiplash Effect
15h00 to 15h30 : Mr. John Coleman (Ireland): Equipment reliability – the key to economic maintenance
15h30 to 16h00 : Coffee break and exhibition visit
16h00 to 16h30 : Mr. Liang Dong (China): How to Enable the Effective and Efficient Utilization of Data in CMMS/EAM System through KPI
16h30 to 17h00 : Mr. Kayvan Tavana (Iran): TnPM Implementation Plan on wireline Iran Branch, GWDC
17h00 to 17h30 : 4 speakers on the arena (Q & A)
Session 2: Facility maintenance; Room 2; Chair: Wout Theuws (Netherlands / Belgium)
14h30 to 15h00 : Mr. Terje Nilsen (Norway): RCM Approach to Railway Infrastructure. Application of IEC 60300-3-11 Reliability Centered Maintenance
15h00 to 15h30 : Mr. Xu Yongneng (China): Application Effect Evaluation of Total Efficiency Maintenance Mode based on Value Engineering in Nanjing Metro
15h30 to 16h00 : Coffee break
16h00 to 16h30 : Mr. Michel Rumo (Switzerland): The pitfalls of Facility Management
16h30 to 17h00 : Mr. Mathew Lugg (UK): How the development of Highway Asset Management (HAM) in the UK has led to a more efficient and effective road maintenance service
17h00 to 17h30 : 4 speakers on the arena
Session3: Maintenance education; Room 3; Chair: Guido Walt (Switzerland)
14h30 to 15h00 : Mr. Svend Aage West (Denmark): Maintenance Management Education in Europe
15h00 to 15h30 : Mr. Chan Tung (US): Maintenance Education and e-learning in the US
15h30 to 16h00 : Coffee break
16h00 to 16h30 : Mr. Tim Zaal (The Netherlands): Operational Excellence as driver for Maintenance Management Master Program
16h30 to 17h00 : Mr. Chen Yangzhi (China), Take the Course of Engineering Tribology as an Example to Analysis Status and Countermeasures for University Mechanical Engineering Maintenance Education in China
17h00 to 17h30 : 4 speakers on the arena
17h40 to 18h50: Evening Reception & Students performance
19h00 to 20h00: Transfer to the Pearl River by bus
20h30 to 22h00: City night view on Pearl River
22h00 to 22h40: Tranfer back to the hotel by bus
28 November 2009
Morning: 3 parallel sessions at The University Town International Hotel
Session 4: Industrial maintenance; Room 1; Chair: Alan Wilson (UK)
09h00 to 09h30 : Mrs. Cathrin Plate (Germany): Life Cycle and Knowledge Management in Maintenance by Using RFID
09h30 to 10h00 : Mr. Xu Baoqiang (China): Practice of TnPM in China
10h00 to 10h30 : Mr. Bill Holmes, Chen Kanbin (Australia): Problem Solving And How To Use Root Cause Analysis To Deliver High Plant Reliability At The Lowest Sustainable Cost
10h30 to 11h00 : Coffee break
11h00 to 11h30 : Mr. Wang Tailong (China): The differ use of spare part coding and the principle of alphabetic digit coding
11h30 to 12h00 : 4 speakers on the arena
12h00 to 12h10: Waiting for the Closing session in room 1.
Session 5: Panel Discussion; Room 2; Chair: Dr. Zohair ALSARRAJ (Saudi Arabia)
09h00 to 10h30 : Panel Discussion on Maintenance Management in Middle East and the Arab Institute of Operation and Maintenance: Chair: Dr. Zohair ALSARRAJ, Dr. Mohammad Fouzan and Dr. Mahmoud A. Madani (Saudi Arabia, Lebanon).
10h30 to 11h00 : Coffee break
11h00 to 12h00 : Panel Discussion on Maintenance Management in Middle East and the Arab Institute of Operation and Maintenance: Chair: Dr. Zohair ALSARRAJ, Dr. Mohammad Fouzan and Dr. Mahmoud A. Madani (Saudi Arabia, Lebanon).
12h00 to 12h10: All participants get together in room 1.
Session 6: Maintenance education; Room 3; Chair: Svend Aage West (Denmark)
09h00 to 09h30 : Mr. Claudio Boer and Luca Canetta begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting (Switzerland): The role of IMS in the World of Maintenance
09h30 to 10h00 : Mr. Mladen Jakovcic (Croatia): Education of maintenance personnel as a part of education of physical assets managers
10h00 to 10h30 : Mr. Sylvestre GUIEBRE (Burkina Faso): Maintenance for Humanity Development
10h30 to 11h00 : Coffee break
11h00 to 11h30 : Mr. Vladimir Jurca, Zdenek Ales, Tomas Hladik (Czech Republic): New study program for academic education of maintenance engineers and managers in the Czech Republic.
11h30 to 12h00 : 4 speakers on the arena
12h00 to 12h10: All participants get together in room 1.
12h10 to 12h30: Closing session – all initiators and Committee members signing the declaration.
12h30 to 13h20: Working lunch
13h30 to 14h30: Transfer to China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Guangzhou Company
14h30 to 16h20: Workshop visit
16h20 to 16h30: Get to the bus
16h30 to 17h30: Transfer and University town visiting by bus, then transfer to Ya Jing for dinner.
17h30 to 18h20: Typical Cantonnese Dinner
18h20 to 18h30: Get to the bus
18h30 to 18h45: Transfer to Changlong by bus
18h45 to 19h00: Tickets rady and be seated
19h30 to 20h30: Entertainment – Enjoy wonderful performance
20h30 to 20h40: Exit and walking to the bus
20h40 to 21h10: Transfer back to Hotel and finish all the arrangement.