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2nd IMA Board Meeting 2014
Participants: Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj, Dr. Mohamed Al Fouzan, Dr. Alan Wilson, Mr. Guido Walt, Dr. Jamal El Chaar, Dr. Claudio Rolandi, Dr. Emanuele Carpanzano, Dr. Roberto Cigolini, Eng. Mazin A. Mahsoon, Prof. Andreas Weissenbach, Dr. Per Schjolberg, Eng. Corina Van Unen.
Date: 14 Oct 2014
Place: Lugano, Switzerland

The Board IMA in front of the Business Center including the IMA office

Board meeting in the Hotel De La Paix.

Dr. Roberto Cigolini - Poli Milano, Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj and Dr. Mohamed Al Fouzan
Visit New Office IMA, Paradiso - Lugano:

Left: Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj is presenting the new office. Right: Mrs. Hwayda Jamal has been assigned to be IMA Office Manager.

The Conference Room
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